Posted: July 12th, 2009 | Author: Carter Rabasa | Filed under: Wedding | Tags: croatia, zagreb | Comments Off
The Economist publishes a Big Mac index, essentially a compilation of what a Big Mac costs in other countries. If classical economic theory is correct, this should allow people, among other things, to calculate exchange rates. For instance, if a Big Mac costs $3 in the U.S. and 2€ in France, then the exchange rate should be $1.50 to the Euro. This is called Purchase Price Parity.
What the Economist couldn’t have known was that although my cheeseburger meal in Switzerland cost $12, it was the most delicious thing I’ve ever eaten in a McDonald’s. And the Royal with Cheese meal that I just had in Zagreb, while only costing $6, looked and tasted like I had scraped it off the bottom of my foot. So, not all hamburgers are created equal. Something to think about, Economist.
Posted: July 9th, 2009 | Author: Carter Rabasa | Filed under: Wedding | Tags: bosnia, croatia | Comments Off
These are kind of inside jokes, so bear with me:
The bus to Dubrovnik runs every hour… except 9am! Figure it out for yourself, back-packa!
Yaaaaaarrrrgggggghhhhhhh Muuuuurrrraaaaaawwwwww
3 kunas to use the WC at a bus stop. If you consider a hole in the ground a WC.
Carrie is getting rained on by the condensation from the AC unit in our bus. She has ceased to be irritated and is slowly going insane. “I need more paper towels!”
A guy tried to buy a water, candy bar and chips with a fistful of weird change. No dice. He takes away the candy. No dice. He takes away the chips. Confusion still reigns. He says angrily, “I no buy nothing now!”
I happily bought two beers for $4. I need some road beers for this ride.
We just rolled through the border to enter Bosnia. Yeah, no shit. Did you know Croatia’s coastline isn’t contiguous down to Dubrovnik? Neither did I! This bus ride is going from weird to surreal.
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