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Three Hundred Hairy Bears!

Posted: July 2nd, 2009 | Author: Carter Rabasa | Filed under: Wedding | Tags: , , , | Comments Off

Catching the night train from Munich to Lake Bled (Slovenia) was a harrowing experience. I’m fairly sure that I sprinted (full out) a cumulative mile as I changed money, located trains, and tracked down information booths. Multiple times we were told contradictory things about which train would get us to Bled, most of the time getting the response “Bled?”

We finally found the right car and secured a sleeping compartment. We were joined by a nice older lady who spoke no English but did help make Carrie’s bed. After paying the 40 euro surcharge I clambered into my top bunk and passed out.

We woke up just a short while before the train would arrive in Bled. Which was great. But the conductor still had our Eurail pass. Which was bad. Those passes are not stored in a database, are not reproducable, and are basically 24 hundred dollar bills with our names scribbled on them. I frantically looked around for him and just as we were about to have to disembark, he emerged from a sleep car rubbing his bed head. And all was right with the world and we had arrived in Slovenia.

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