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(Almost) to the Top of Europe

Posted: July 1st, 2009 | Author: Carter Rabasa | Filed under: Wedding | Tags: , | Comments Off

First, sorry if these posts aren’t strictly chronological. Offline post composition is both a blessing and a curse if you’re just motivated enough to start a post but too lazy to finish one.

When we were in Interlaken (two countries ago), we took a train over to the Alps and after a cool gondola ascent began a short hike up towards the tallest mountain in Europe (Jungfrau). It was a leisurely hike along a well paved path and after a couple of hours we were 1200 meters from the peak. We inquired about the train that takes people to the observatory on the top of the mountain and found out it was about $80 each.

As we hiked away, I told Carrie how great I thought our view was from down here.

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