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Muddy Mayhem in St. Gallen

Posted: June 27th, 2009 | Author: Carrie Knittel | Filed under: Wedding | Tags: , | Comments Off

Holy shit. Carter and I are at the OpenAir music festival in St Gallen, Switzerland, and it’s complete muddy mayhem. Never seen anything like it.

When I first realized the mess we were about to enter, I took a moment to myself to accept that I was about to get really, really dirty. This can be hard to accept when you are living out of a backpack for 7 weeks and each clean item of clothing is precious. But once I accepted it, and 3 beers (and 1 brat) later, I’m feeling pretty good.

We just saw a Swiss/French rapper called Stress, and Nick Cave is on stage now. After that, NIN.

Where we’re sitting, we have a good view of the stage, and of a muddy and very slippery ramp directly in front of us where we can watch and laugh at the drunk people struggle and fall as they make their way up. As you can can see in the photos, I’m sitting next to a passed out guy who’s starting to foam at the mouth a bit.

There was a cool moment between sets when the song Billie Jean came on and there was a big roar from the crowd.

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